Clayton Rocks Concert Schedule
Piano Digital Keyboard Guitar Violin Vocal Performance Flute Rock Band Drums Bass Sax Clarinet Brass Intro Art Anime Studio Get published : Illustration
(Click on the instrument or art class name above to learn about each program)

Rock University... Learn to play in a real Rock Band
Our Rock University program brings together young musicians from all backgrounds (keyboardists, drummers, guitar players, vocalists) so that they experience what it's like to be in a real Rock Band. Just like athletic teams need coaching in order to play their best, young musicians need the same direction in developing their skills in a band setting. Learning to play together as a band, write songs together, arrange, orchestrate, use dynamics, improvise, take solos, sing vocal harmonies and most of all have fun, are a few of the elements that we focus on in these groups. Within a few weeks, our bands will be performing and recording their first CD.
Our Rock Band "ICE" at Cary Jamfest 2012 playing their original song "Explain".
Our Rock Band "ICE" playing "Intruder" (Peter Gabriel) and "Clocks" (Coldplay)