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Photography classes at Clayton School of Creative Arts

Photography courses at Clayton School of Creative Arts deal with digital photography as well as traditional black and white photography. Courses teach basic camera handling and introduce and explore basic darkroom procedures. Participants learn how to control light to produce an aesthetically pleasing image. Composition and the elements and principles of art are introduced. History of art and photography may also be addressed. Each course runs for 6 weeks and classes for a duration of 90 minutes. All classes require participants to supply their own camera that has full manual controls. Advanced classes are also available for those who have taken basic photography courses and wish to further their own artistic vision in this art form.
Basic Photography
An Introduction to photography with emphasis placed upon technical, aesthetic, and historical perspectives of this fine art medium. Basic Camera operations alongside technical and aesthetic photographic assignments. Basic black and white darkroom procedures will also be introduced and explored. An adjustable digital camera with full manual controls required, minimum of 8 Mega Pixels (the higher the better).

(digital courses)
Digital Photography I
A deeper look into digital camera operation. Assignments designed to enrich student's understanding and appreciation of the art form. A look into the usage of the computer and how it aids in the photographic process. An adjustable digital camera with full manual controls required, a digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) is highly recommended.
Intermediate Digital Photography
An exploration of the essence of photography: Light. Assignments involve usage of natural, and man made light to help develop students individual style. Students will be exposed to the workings of a basic photographic lighting studio. Focus given to developing students individual style and preparation for student chosen photographic projects. An adjustable digital camera with full manual controls required, a digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) is highly recommended.
(film courses)
Film Photography I
A deeper look into film photography and camera operation, to include darkroom techniques. Assignments designed to further student's understanding and appreciation of the medium. A 35 mm Single Lens Reflex camera is required.
Intermediate Film Photography
Assignments involving abstraction and character-portraits allow the student to creatively refine techniques of basic photography. Focus given to developing students individual style and preparation for student chosen photographic projects. 35 mm Single Lens Reflex camera required.
(advanced courses)
Advanced Photography - Project Based (Film or Digital)
Students work on photographic projects where they may explore personal, aesthetic or technical interests through the development of an individualized photographic series. Periodical critiques are held for students progress. Emphasis of the course is in the development of a coherent digitally printed body of creative photographic imagery.