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Summer Camps and Classes
Based on latest guidelines from the State of NC, CSCA will be holding both LIVE DIGITAL classes as well as in-studio classes. The decision to return to In-Studio or to remain taking online classes is left 100% between our families and their instructors.
For Summer Camps, we will be following the guidelines below. As we have always practiced from a common sense perspective... if you have been exposed to anyone with any contagious illness, or if you yourself are sick, please refrain from attending classes or camps
Guidelines we will be following are based in part on the email received from the State of NC :
"After carefully reviewing your application, the Department has determined ... your business may continue to operate so long as it can operate in accordance with the following Social Distancing Requirements in Executive Order No. 121:
a. maintaining at least six (6) feet distancing from other individuals;
b. washing hands using soap and water for at least twenty (20) seconds as frequently as possible or the use of hand sanitizer;
c. regularly cleaning high-touch surfaces; and
d. facilitating online or remote access by customers if possible.
These Social Distancing Requirements must be maintained (a) between and among your employees and (b) between and among your employees and your customers, except at the point of sale or purchase."
To facilitate our classes, we ask that families wait outside of the studio when dropping off students, or limit family members to ONE person in the waiting room. Please arrive 5 minutes early so that students have time to wash their hands BEFORE their class. Each student will be required to wash their hands before class. Families are encouraged to bring hand sanitizer. CSCA has ordered wall mounted hand sanitizing stations that are currently on back order.
Through May 8th, we will be continuing your weekly private music classes using online options such as Facetime, GotoMeeting, Skype, or similar platforms, while gradually re-introducing classes back into the studios. We have used video lessons for students in the past with ease, and feel quite fortunate that we can continue to work with your family during these next few weeks, when many other types of services will be postponed. Hopefully your family will have more time at home together and students will have more time to play and enjoy music! We appreciate your continued support during these challenging circumstances, and understand that it is only that support from families like yours, that allows us to continue to provide these terrific programs. Quite simply, we cannot do what we do without you! We hope that our virtual classes can help your family maintain a part of your usual routine.
We ask that you be in touch with your teacher to arrange your classes, but expect that your usual weekly class that will be at the same day and time, unless you make other arrangements with your instructor that better suit your schedule.
If for some reason this option will not be a convenient for your family, we will offer several days in the near future for make up classes or we will offer up to a $100 credit towards our Summer Camp programs if you are unable to make up your weekly classes in a timely fashion.
CSCA Art classes at both studios will be available as online options, with all students being encouraged to participate this month in an Illustration Project for "Johnston Now" Magazine.
This project involves creating a full color, cover illustration for the annual "Ultimate Guide to Summer" issue that highlights all of the goings on in Johnston County this Summer. Students can use their talents and gain experience in a real world setting: working with editors, designers and writers to create artwork for the purpose of being published!
One illustration will be chosen for cover of the June issue, while many other drawings will be used by the magazine as spot illustrations on pages throughout the rest of the issue. Getting your artwork published is a great thrill and being able to share this magazine (that has your artwork inside) with your family and friends is an incredible feeling. This project has previously only been offered as part of our Advanced Illustration Class, but this year will be opened up to all CSCA art students because of the extra time you will have available this month for drawing!
PROJECT SPECS: The only real requirement for this project is that your drawing have a "Summer" theme to it. Although Johnston Now Magazine highlights things going on in Johnston County, the drawings that were chosen for the cover for the past 2 years (see below) were very light-hearted and fun in nature.
We look forward to having you participate in our Live Digital classes this month, and to having you create as much artwork as possible for this project! To make sure we get you logged into our online classes on Skype, please contact the office at (919) 279.3581, Eddie Chin at (919) 740.1741 or Kimberly Tracy at (919) 538.5047.
If you are unable to make up your classes in a timely fashion, we will offer up to a $100 credit toward our Summer Programs.
We will revisit our policies over the next few weeks and make updates to best serve our students and families, that may or may not coincide with Wake and Johnston County Schools policies. Please contact our office at (919) 279.3581 or at CarySchoolOfCreativeArts@yahoo.com if you need your teacher's contact information, or have any questions.
*If you are unable to schedule make up classes ...a $100 Summer Camp Credit will be applied to FULL DAY, FULL WEEK CAMPS or a $50 credit towards HALF DAY CAMPS.